Friday, 30 January 2009

Publishing Books

Author: Arthur Zulu
Contact Author: mailto:
Copyright: Copyright © Arthur Zulu 2002
Word Count: 402
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Publishing Guidelines: Permission is granted to publish this article electronically or in print as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.



Arthur Zulu

Let’s illustrate this point further. Do you know Jerzy Kosinski’s THE THIRTY – NINE STEPS? Yes, one writer had that best – seller typed, and submitted, as a manuscript by a new writer, and waited for an answer. And what reply did he get? All the trade publishers rejected it. All the agents told him, “no way’". And to worst the experiment, Random House which originally published the book, threw it out as an insignificant book. Yet, this was a National Book Award Winner.

Even, some other best- sellers were “randomly" rejected. Like THE JUNGLE by Upton Sinclair. Like Thomas Paine’s COMMON SENSE. Like MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION by Lloyd C. Douglas. Do you now understand what I mean when I say you should not go to them? But you have another chance.

Subsidy Publishers
Also known as private or commission publishers, subsidy
publishers are a better choice; if you can pay to get your book published. And they pay higher commission or royalties, than the trade publishers. They include Vantage Press, Minerva Press and Avon Books.

Now, paying for book publication has a long history. Many great writers started that way. Edward Fitzgerald financed the publication of his monumental work, THE RUBAIYAT OF OMAR KHAYYAM. Thomas Gray paid to publish his classic, ELEGY. And what about Edgar Allan Poe? He sponsored the printing of the book of all times, TAMERLANE AND OTHER POEMS. And Leo Tolstoy doled out money to pay for the publication of the best novel on earth, WAR AND PEACE.

The list has not ended. What about Thomas Hardy, Alexander Pope, T.S.Eliot, Alfred Lord Tennyson and many others? They did likewise. Why not submit your book to one of these subsidy publishers now?

But suppose they don’t appeal to you. You have another choice.

Self Publishing
Yes, you may decide to do it yourself. Print and publish your work. Go round, promote and distribute your book. Become your own manager, accountant and clerk. And more!

Then ask yourself: How far can I go? Do I have the time? Do I have the experience? Can I bear the health and physical risks?

Well, it is up to you to decide. And remember what Hippocrates said: "Ars Longa: Vita brevis -– Arts is long, but life is short".

If none of the above appeals to you, you are not to tuck away your precious manuscript in the attic. And go bungee jumping! Life after all, “is not a roller coaster" someone says. So, why not try the exciting world of Internet Publishing.



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